5 research outputs found

    The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2016)

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    Soliton transformation in a cold Rydberg atomic system

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    This work presents a method for achieving soliton transformation in a cold Rydberg atomic system to enable the realization of diverse optical potentials. Our investigation demonstrates that this system can generate various solitons, including Gaussian, elliptical, ring, and necklace structures, based on different optical lattice potentials. Additionally, stable transitions from Gaussian profile to three other profiles can be achieved either abruptly or gradually by adjusting the centers and modulation depths of potentials along the direction of light propagation. These findings highlight the versatility of this system for generating and manipulating solitons. The ability to control soliton transformation offers prospects for various applications, including all-optical switching, optical information processing, and other areas

    A programmable qudit-based quantum processor

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    Controlling and programming quantum devices to process quantum information by the unit of quantum dit, i.e., qudit, provides the possibilities for noise-resilient quantum communications, delicate quantum molecular simulations, and efficient quantum computations, showing great potential to enhance the capabilities of qubit-based quantum technologies. Here, we report a programmable qudit-based quantum processor in silicon-photonic integrated circuits and demonstrate its enhancement of quantum computational parallelism. The processor monolithically integrates all the key functionalities and capabilities of initialisation, manipulation, and measurement of the two quantum quart (ququart) states and multi-value quantum-controlled logic gates with high-level fidelities. By reprogramming the configuration of the processor, we implemented the most basic quantum Fourier transform algorithms, all in quaternary, to benchmark the enhancement of quantum parallelism using qudits, which include generalised Deutsch-Jozsa and Bernstein-Vazirani algorithms, quaternary phase estimation and fast factorization algorithms. The monolithic integration and high programmability have allowed the implementations of more than one million high-fidelity preparations, operations and projections of qudit states in the processor. Our work shows an integrated photonic quantum technology for qudit-based quantum computing with enhanced capacity, accuracy, and efficiency, which could lead to the acceleration of building a large-scale quantum computer